
Kuang Fu

+86 189-1314-5995

KuangFu joined GLO as Head of Suzhou office this year after achieving rapid success in the professional recruitment area and winning strong commitment from leading companies in the past 3 years. Before that he spent 3 years in UK got his Master Degree of Journalism from the University of Sheffield and worked as Journalist in BBC World Service. He was hired directly in London Assessment Centre of Michael Page and transferred back China in 2013. 

匡夫 是格联沃GLO的苏州办公室负责人,负责江苏、浙江及内陆省市的高管搜寻业务。此前,他在英国学习工作3年,获得谢菲尔德大学新闻学硕士并在英国广播电台担任记者。之后,匡夫在伦敦加入英国上市猎头公司Michael Page并派回中国,入职苏州办公室工作3年并荣升人事和财务方向负责人。匡夫是一名基督徒,乐于帮助客户和候选人解决职业发展中的各样问题。