Public listed Top Chinese 4A Advertsing Group

Managing Director United Kingdom

China State Owned Enterprise - Logistics

China State Owned Enterprise - Logistics

Global Startup Unicorn – Shared Economy APP

City GM and Regional Directors

Fortune 500 - FMCG

CFO China

Global Hospitality Group

Global Hospitality Group

Leadership Development

Carrefour and Barco

Global and regional board facilitation to stimulate and identify change pressure, align vision and confirm value based behaviors on the executive team

Cabot, Novonordisk

Designing and assessing a behavioral leadership model to identify gaps and build an effective leadership roadmap


Designing and assessing a behavioral leadership model to identify gaps and build an effective leadership roadmap

Banyan Tree, IBM, GE

Developing a practical case based change leadership program to equip senior leadership with the ability to change and lead change

Top 500 firms

CEO, GM, VP level executive coaching using the MVP (mind agility, values, passion) model as a framework for leadership and execituve communication